Hiya! I’m Rach, aka Mama.
Having experienced the magic of fate, I believe that everything that happens in life leads to where you are meant to be. So, how did an aspiring barrister end up a boss of this small biz?
I have always loved working with people, creating positive difference and making people happy. That altruism is just in my nature. When this Wigan lass was little, she dreamt about being a barrister. I thought the wig and gown looked powerful and badass, and I thought it was my way of making my mark on the world. However, when I got there, I just knew it wasn’t for me.
Instead, I spent 10 years working in commercial HR roles and until a few years ago, I loved it. Towards the end of my career in HR, I started to feel this yearning feeling that there was more to life than what I had made it and my work left me feeling conflicted about that. The more senior I became, I felt less able to have a positive impact at an individual level. As someone who is hugely driven by values, it left me feeling unfulfilled.
I had a career break surfing in Portugal and tried to put it to the back of my mind, but the birth of my first daughter in 2018 was the catalyst I needed to tell myself that I can no longer do something that is not meaningful to me. So, I quit to allow myself space to understand what next.
Having spent time exploring what made me happy, I had felt an overwhelming urge to learn to sew and had felt it for about a year. I used to love upstyling clothes when I was younger and have always had a bit of a creative side. I also remember feeling constrained by what clothes I could buy for my daughter and feeling like clothing to reflect her personality wasn’t accessible. So, I followed my heart and bought a sewing machine. Before it even arrived, I start doodling things I could make… and Magpie & Mama was born.
I love to see your little ones dressed in my creations so make sure to tag us on Facebook or Instagram.
Mama xx
As a values driven gal, the values in setting up Magpie & Mama are so important to me, and hopefully shine through in everything this brand stands for.
We create fashion that is...
Playful twists on capsule wardrobe pieces for little ones to wear when you are out 'n' about capturing memories that will last a lifetime.
Personalised clothing featuring iconic fabrics and prints to create bold and badass pieces to be seen in.
Upbeat and colourful designs combined with our offering that enables you to pick a beautiful print to match your beautiful little personality and showcase who your little one is to the world. The outcome? A creation that is unique to you.
It’s true that what we wear is an extension of our personality. When you look good, you feel good… and good mental health is so important. So, go exude the energy you want to project into the world.
Clothing that is created to embrace choice and instill confidence – instead of being drab, dull and basic.
Strong and symbolic designs to promote positivity and self-love (not just cutesy bunnies because they are cute).
Bespoke, made to order garments, designed, made, cut, sewn and packed by me, but personalised by you.
Fashion made as individual as you - a chance for you to be your own stylist and curate your identity for you and your minis.
Dress to express how you feel and customise your creations with the fabric you love/identify with the most.